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Hot Sauce Fun Fact - Dry Hot Sauce

Hot Sauce Fun Fact - Dry Hot Sauce 

Hot Sauce in Powder Form? Can it be true? Actually, it is and it's pretty easy to do...

Spread sauce on the dehydrator trays, covered with non-stick sheets or parchment paper. Dry at 125F/52C for 8-10 hours until brittle. Brake down hot sauce bark into smaller chunks; then grind them in a coffee grinder or food processor into a powder. 

Use hot sauce powder in any food product that calls for a spicy, pungent and complex flavor profile. Hot sauce powder adds not only heat, but that unique aged pepper flavor we all love. Use as a natural flavor enhancer in dishes to make it pop with flavor, seasoning mixes, and more.

There are actually a few companies out there marketing their dry hot sauces.

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